

Grace said...

You never cease to astound me. This is priceless, and so are you. <3

Anna said...

Ooh that is so cool! I love it :)

Catey said...

This is beautiful. I love it.

I love you.

Rebecca said...


Nathan Exley said...

diddo. this is awesome. but what do you mean by it? After reading it three times, here is what it says to me...
1st verse: "the memory of light dancing behind shut eyes... dimly" the memory of things past, the glory and perfection in which we were created, dimly remembered in our fallen minds.
2nd verse: "The shadows behind me and beside me, dance away... or do I?" Slowly the steps out of the darkness, away from the ever present shadow of my old self.
3rd verse: "the whispers seed themselves in my thoughts, theirs or mine invention? A mirror." the quiet nagging whine of the old habits, left out to long in the cold.
4th verse: "The glass shatters with my perceptions of life and of my life. Now I know." Stepping back from my self absorbed past, I can see the bigger picture. what God has really planned for me, and what his version of Nathan really is. I am silent.
5th verse: "the Clarity, I imagine it will come when we are face to face. I have been fully known." I am nearsighted, and I can not see all that is to come, nor can I view the whole picture. just a piece of it. But I rest in the hope of His great and marvelous plan. He made me with a purpose, and He knows it... all of it.
6th verse:"the Remnant, now these things are. The greatest of these is... love." All I am left with is faith in Him. Hope in Him. And God Himself... Love

Aughh! I want to yell. this poem is so beautiful, and it is inspiring to me. God is doing amazing things in you, and He has given you the gift of insight into some of His most wonderful mysteries.

words are lacking...
God bless you.

skippinginaroundtherain said...

Thank's everyone :)

@Nathan: It's always interesting to see what different people get out of the same piece of poetry. When I wrote it, I was thinking mostly about relating to people, and how those things which you described and my inability to "see by faith" keeps me from understanding people truly. Your explanation sort of helped me see even more fully part of what I meant :) Thanks for your encouragement!

alice said...

i love your blog! you do such a great job with it :)

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