Bob the Beautiful Cockroach?

Really, can a cockroach be beautiful?

Genesis 1:31, “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.”

[Good- in Greek, Tobe: 1. Good, pleasant, agreeable

  1. Pleasant, agreeable (to the senses)

  2. Pleasant (to the higher nature)

Beauty- Merriam-Webster Online: the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness]


So, Can a cockroach be beautiful?

Everything God makes is beautiful.

God made a cockroach.

Therefore, yes, a cockroach is beautiful.


Personally though, I am repulsed by cockroaches. Nonetheless, becoming more Christ-like, means seeing creation like he sees it: beautiful. So, I have embarked on a quest to see cockroaches as beautiful.

I sketched a roach to study their aesthetic beauty, and frankly, I was surprised to find, that they are quite marvelous (although, I’m still having trouble seeing them as beautiful). The way their wings are ridged, and fold into each other, making complicated patterns on their backs is remarkable.

In the meantime, while I researched them, I found that roaches are among the most vital decomposers. They eat decomposing material, and return the nutrients to the soil.

So, for now, while I’m still working on seeing them as aesthetically beautiful, I concur with my friend who said, “It’s [a roach] like the guy who works in the sewer. He’s dirty and maybe a little creepy, but he cleans everything up.”

Cockroaches are beautiful.

A Mirror is Harder to Hold

Honestly, this is really a continuation of my last post. The more I think about it the more I think that to pursue the appearance of anything is the opposite of pursuing the actual thing. To attain, you first must admit that you do not have.

To increase:

*Knowledge you must first admit ignorance.

*Truthfulness you must first admit lies.

*Order you must first admit chaos.

*Strength you must first admit weakness.

*Love you must first admit hate or apathy.

*Righteousness you must first admit filth. imperfection. sin.